Gobelins Streampudding

A streaming platform

As part of my training at the Gobelins school, I worked with my team on a project sponsored by the school’s animation department.

Indeed, the school wanted to have a “Viméo” online viewing platform with several objectives:

        • promote the work of students
        • connect students with festival producers and organizers
        • easily archive the films produced by the various promos
        • allow festival producers and organizers to obtain films from students easily and in good quality

It was also necessary to design a simple and ergonomic back-office for site updates.

A dedicated server

We recommended a streaming solution with a dedicated server in order to secure the data and above all to be able to support their weight. In terms of ergonomics, we have kept the depth of the site to a minimum. As for the graphic aspect, we especially wanted to highlight the work of the students by using as much screen shots of their films accompanied by a rather sober DA.

UX and information’s architecture

For my part, I worked mainly on the architecture part of the information and the UX part by developing the personas and the entire prototyping phase.

Project Leader: Patrick Barthet

Developer: Pauline Sepulveda

AD: Fabrice Dupré


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